Use "ensue|ensued|ensues|ensuing" in a sentence

1. A fruitful discussion ensued.

2. A pleasant conversation ensued.

3. A fiery debate ensued.

4. Otherwise, inundation would ensue to our dismay.

5. [ Screaming horns of fur- collared mayhem ensue ]

6. Combat ensues; the King is killed.

7. Let him seek peace and ensue it!

8. A drought ensues, and human activities cease.

9. After the discourse, a lively discussion ensued.

10. 26 Bitter arguments ensued from this misunderstanding.

11. A wave of defaults and bankruptcies could ensue.

12. A brief but embarrassing silence ensued.

13. She agrees to marry Captain Vinod and the engagement party ensues.

14. If it were to cease trading, chaos could ensue.

15. Even more baffling was the conversation that ensued.

16. We can imagine the animated discussion that ensued.

17. There ensued a blinding light and then blackness.

18. If not, something like a banking crisis could ensue.

19. Thus, endless discussions on phonetics and spelling ensued.

20. 22 The trouble ensued from this misunderstanding.

21. With the onset of age, the yellow pigmentation ensues for DSM 44368.

22. When people debate politics, tempers may flare and quarreling ensue.

23. A minor skirmish ensued as people fought over supplies.

24. Much wackiness ensues en route to the red planet.

25. The ensuing argument had been bitter.

26. When there is more than one parameter, other complications ensue.

27. In the ensuing struggle, Meleager dies.

28. Because of Lucifer’s rebellion, a great spiritual conflict ensued.

29. Then, by Assuaging and resolving the ensuing distress, …

30. In the ensuing panic, they lost each other.

31. A liberal attitude ensued, allowing for diverse opinions about God.

32. Yet another aerial attack ensued, this time by dive-bombers.

33. Chaos ensues as the Ape kidnaps her and rampages through Seoul.

34. Plenty of yuks ensue as she struggles with the awkward situation.

35. In the ensuing conflict the dirt suffers.

36. The situation deteriorated over the ensuing weeks.

37. Dieter is deposed after the ensuing scandal.

38. 🔊 First we heard gunshots, then a wild Commotion ensued

39. If this process is disrupted, partial or complete callosal agenesis may ensue.

40. The brigade managed well in the ensuing chaos.

41. The ensuing rows almost split the western alliance.

42. Then others opened up and a miniature battle ensued.

43. 7 A standoff ensued as hostages begged troops not to fire.

44. The ensuing cheers put an end to Evarts's address.

45. Another battle ensues and the knights succeed in killing the jester.

46. Unfortunately, when people try to interpret the Crypticism drama often ensues anyway.

47. If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue.

48. Amiss wondered if apoplexy would ensue, but all that followed was silence.

49. Synonyms for Accrues include accumulates, collects, gathers, grows, increases, amasses, issues, enlarges, ensues and flows

50. I lost my bag in the ensuing chaos.

51. Synonyms for Betides include befalls, chances, happens, occurs, transpires, ensues, supervenes, bechances, haps and takes place

52. absorb the ensuing gradual increase in impairment charges.

53. In the ensuing battle, the Ephraimites are routed.

54. In the ensuing fighting, two students were killed.

55. This may sound reassuring, but the promised double-digit returns may not ensue.

56. The fumes began seeping through the trains and stations, and pandemonium ensued.

57. Adam raised the issue of multimedia applications and much useful discussion ensued.

58. The glances exchanged by Faye and Roberta told Alice that trouble would ensue.

59. 11 If a slushy romance is screened, the thugs go to the pub instead and mayhem ensues.

60. Do not confuse the two or se - rious, long - lasting hard feelings could ensue.

61. Let him eschew evil , and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.

62. In the ensuing confusion another 8 persons were hurt.

63. In the ensuing confusion another eight persons were hurt.

64. The aneurysm regressed spontaneously after the ensuing five months.

65. Military clashes between China and Portugal ensued and the Portuguese were expelled.

66. Carbon dioxide is released in the ensuing chemical reaction.

67. The ensuing diplomatic crisis destabilised the government, and Palmerston resigned.

68. At that, “a sharp burst of anger” ensued, and they separated.

69. As the result of acid irritation and load shifting to facet joints, pain ensues.

70. But when he thought of the consequences that might ensue, his courage left him.

71. The battle ensued the next day, and a severe wind started to blow.

72. 26 synonyms for Betide: happen, chance, occur, take place, overtake, ensue, crop up, transpire, befall

73. 23 If you have withdrawals from consignment stock and from pipeline, payables to suppliers ensue.

74. They get three different defense attorneys for the ensuing trial.

75. The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.

76. 21 The police were called in to quell the riot that ensued.

77. If we can't bring our problems under control, feelings of powerlessness and despair often ensue.

78. This new arrangement had Jehovah’s blessing, for an unparalleled time of Christian activity ensued.

79. The magnetosphere did not show a missing S Pole, and no significant quakes ensued.

80. 5 An auto-immune disease ensued,[] with destruction of nervous and vascular tissue.